jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

it´s easy to say, "just be happy", it´s not so easy to do...
but then you wake up one day and realize, it really IS only up to you.
i think i+ve finally understood what mindfullness means. it means CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS. 
choose the good ones, appreciate the little things,,,,it realy does make everything else brighter.
i´ve begun to do this.
i find incredible pleasure in putting my baby to sleep in his crib. especially the single moment when i cover him with his blankie and he snuggles in.
what else? tea with my neighbor. a nice hot cup of lemon ginger, and a few minutes of inspiring conversations like, Did you see how beautiful Guillaume Canet is in "last night"!
it´s overwhelming to try to control everything, it´s overwhelming to try to be someone mindful when you are used to being anyhthing but....however, it´s quite simple.
try now.
stop whatever you´re doing
look out the window, find something beautiful


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